PFA 120
De-reeler with motorised axle for feeding cables, insulating tubes and other materials without any traction
The machine is conform with the present and current CE-guide lines.
Subject to technical alterations.
• Regulation of mobile arm with safety breaking in case of
cable jam
• Basic speed adjustable by using the potentiometer
• Maximum speed freely programmable
• Acceleration and brake ramps freely programmable
• Accident prevention by torque limitation, electrically
programmable, mechanically adjustable
• Start-Stop operation via external machine signal
• Free signal from and to other machines
• Short-circuit-proof motor regulation
• Analog-entry for light sensor controlling
Power supply: 220/230 V
Watt consumption: 370 W
Revs: 0-200 rpm
Drum: Weight up to 30 kg
max. Ø 500 mm
max. width 600 mm
Diameter of shaft: 25 or 30 mm
Total machine weight: approx. 50 kg
Dimensions (machine casing):
Height: 260 mm
Width: 375 mm
Depth: 430 mm
• RS-Interface